Vishesh Nagpal

Seven discoveries that resonated with me this week!

  1. this tweet from Paul Graham

Vishesh Nagpal

  1. 🤔💭🕵️‍♂️If you had to improve the quality of your questions, how would you go about it? via Liberty's substack

Vishesh Nagpal

  1. this tweet from Sasha

Vishesh Nagpal

  1. Don’t Beat Yourself Up; You’ve Laid Good Ground via Refind

  2. Alex Guzey - Advice from Tyler Cowen

  3. I am enjoying reading the book Playful Parenting found via Derek Sivers

Vishesh Nagpal

  1. I am continuing to devour the Art of Accomplishment podcasts' VIEW — Connection Course Series by Joe Hudson

Namasteezy 🤗

If you would like to talk, please send me a note.