Vishesh Nagpal

Four Tet, Fred Again.. & Skrillex

I am grooving to these guys jamming like gods. My tears drop drop drop. And I feel so blessed to witness a collab like this.. a trio. It evokes in me a Spirit of robustness. It gives me hope. And I dance, jump..shed a tear again. I release all the fretty energy I woke up with (it is 8 AM). There's a smile that covers my face, I vow to Be high energy pleasant. I want to write about the goosebumps I feel when I indulge in something hearty. How lucky I am to have these things fill my life and time. I feel in the moment and present and loved. Hugged by the music of life. Ah the magic that rhythm evokes.

Dance and get emotional.

Evoke some imaginations that are beyond explanation.

At least simple explanations.

This chaos is beyond all troubles

And messiness of daily life

It fills me up

I enjoy

and relish

and soak myself in gratitude

is this a dream

and i say it is

it is it is ..

the brand newness

each morning

each time

ah what a blessing to be alive

and having live the hopes and dreams

have people to support me

and technology and tools to make life simpler

amazing content to please to the senses

the power to make an impact

one person at a time

or many for that matter

make feel the wholeness via the vibrations that get sent out

its just.. amazingly musical

at the least it is true to our experience

no 'high' hopes

just pure joy

and interplay of talents. fearlessly executed. playfully lived. cherished.

let the gibberish go

let the plank come to me

let the love appear

may adaptive rewiring happen

while you enjoy the dance

and tears give it a go

give it a go

let there be so much

presence in you

may you be the sunshine

that everyone in your life is seeking

may you be happy

may you be at peace

may you evade all suffering

may your dreams come true

may all your wishes be felt


on that note. let's bounce

and feel into the tiredness

may you know when to stop

may you figure out what's to be left

may you realise the importance of simplicity

may you gut feel rest too

may you sleep nicely each night

may you find the slowness

may your artistry come alive

may you be able to transcend the messy middle

may you ask better questions

(the one's that give clarity and resolutions the one's that lead to better actions)

may you act and win

may you win and act

may you love

may you be loved

may you goof around

may you scream screeeeaaammm

may you improvise your whole life

may you entertain

may you spread your wings

may you get lost

may you delete your files and find them back

may you make memes and love

may you make some noise for yourselves

may your friends make some noise for you

may you live

and create music

that is both danceable and emotionally resonant

i love you ! this trio. and all of us.

PS: I was listening and watching to this while I got pulled to write this post :')

Namasteezy 🤗

PS: I love meeting new people. Send me a note for any questions, comments or conversations. Or Just say hello.

#empathy #healing #meta #writing