Vishesh Nagpal

If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?

I've been reading and working with The Artist's Way.

The title of this post is a writing prompt from this book. The author asks to not overthink these exercises and jot down whatever occurs.

Here's what I came up with:


The author, Julia Cameron, goes on to say -

The point of these lives is to have fun in them—more fun than you might be having in this one. Look over your list and select one. Then do it this week. For instance, if you put down country singer, can you pick a guitar? If you dream of being a cowhand, what about some horseback riding?

SO I look forward to dancing in front of the mirror later today. :)

Namasteezy 🤗

How will you answer this prompt? Please send me a note.